Convenience and Comfort Are Benefits of Invisalign Therapy

Invisalign Edison, NJ

Invisalign® is one of the most popular ways to undergo orthodontic treatment. General dentists are recommending teeth straightening via Invisalign® because of the many benefits that come with it. Having an understanding of these benefits may be helpful to those looking at their options. Keep reading to find out more. 

The benefits of Invisalign® treatment

Below is an explanation of how comfort and convenience are achieved with Invisalign® treatment. Review this information when looking into different orthodontic treatments.


One of the main benefits that comes with Invisalign® treatment is that the entire process is relatively comfortable. Unlike traditional braces with wires and brackets, Invisalign® only involves one piece per arch. The actual Invisalign® piece is made of a flexible plastic material. There are no sharp edges or uncomfortable feelings that come from poking wires or brackets. 

One of the main complaints with traditional braces is that they are uncomfortable. Aside from the metal wires and brackets, having them tightened can induce a lot of soreness and pain. With Invisalign®, there is no need to tighten or adjust the piece. Instead, a new aligner is provided every few weeks. Of course, there may be some slight soreness as the teeth shift, but there will not be any serious pressure resulting in pain as can be the case with braces. 


The other main benefit of undergoing Invisalign® treatment is the convenience. With traditional braces, patients are required to visit the dentist every few weeks for adjustments and progress check-ins. Additionally, wires and brackets can snap or break, which results in the need for repairs. Orthodontic repairs on braces can take time, which is not convenient. With Invisalign®, however, the aligner is not able to snap or break within the mouth. Because it can be removed, there is no risk when eating as is the case with braces. 

Additionally, Invisalign® does not require as many check-up appointments. Because the aligners are just simply switched out for a new one, patients do not have to visit the dentist as often. Typically, appointments are done every other month. Of course, this is up to each patient and the dentist's discussion, but there are usually fewer appointments required. 

Other benefits

Invisalign® also allows patients to properly clean their teeth and gums. With braces, it can be hard to reach certain areas, which can lead to a build-up of decay. Over the course of treatment, this build-up can lead to cavities, which may require restorative treatment after the braces are taken off. With Invisalign®, the aligners can be removed for brushing and flossing. 

Find out more about Invisalign®

When considering Invisalign®, the best thing to do is consult with a general dentist. A thorough evaluation can be done to determine if it is even a viable treatment option. From there, any questions or concerns can be addressed. Additionally, the dentist can provide any patient-specific benefits that they discover. Reach out today to get scheduled or to find out more!

Request an appointment here: or call Premier Dental of Edison at (732) 272-0746 for an appointment in our Edison office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Invisalign in Edison, NJ.

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